Video Rewind 05.18.2012

Far East Movement featuring Tyga “Dirty Bass”

Far East Movement just keep bringing it. For their latest track, they’ve got Tyga featured. The video for “Dirty Bass” is more of what we have come to expect when we think Far East Movement: bass, banging music, and the boys themselves being overly outrageous. They all wear insane gold chains that would have even Mr. T scratching his head. The scenes with them in front of old boom boxes, some broken apart are interesting. If nothing else, this song gets you moving. The vid has got its perks too. “Dirty Bass” is off their new album Dirty Bass due out June 5th.
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Calvin Harris featuring Ne-Yo “Let’s Go”

Rio. Los Angeles. Tokyo. This is where our video starts. All three cities focus around people trying to get out and starting their days. We got boxing, dancing, scooters, the night life. Life is good all around the world. Particularly when Calvin Harris drops a beat. Throw in Ne-Yo and you know you’ve got yourself a banger of a track.
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Filip Filipi “Filip’s Revolutionary Etude in D Minor”

The video for Filip Filipi‘s “Filip’s Revolutionary Etude in D Minor” has some of the most amazing shots of the earth, or places on it, I’ve ever seen. The quality of the images is superb and the way that it juxtaposes between industrial images and then natural images shows two sides to the same coin. I guess Filip’s message in this short work is all about how one seems to take away from the other and which one is more precious? That’s the one we should be protecting.
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Twin Trip “Man on the Moon”

Twin Trip‘s “Man on the Moon” starts with some nice acoustic guitars, some bells chime in. But the video is virtually blank screen for the first 30 seconds. Then we find ourselves 10 days later: a projection, a picture, and a tea kettle. This is one of those videos where the director really wants you to pay attention. I guess in some awkward way the electrical equipment could be either recording controls or the control panel for some spaceship, or rocket. Then you see it; it is indeed a ship of sorts and our hero is simply drifting along, taking in the view of Earth. All the while, movies of him in his younger days seem to just play on the wall. All in all, a quirky but interesting little number. “Man on the Moon” is off of Twin Trip’s self-titled debut album. It’s a lonely little song, with a lonely little man in the video.
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The Asteroids Galaxy Tour “Major”

Bring the horns and more of that futuristic space junk from the 80’s and before. Lead singer, Mette Lindberg’s eyelashes are quite impressive. But seriously, the song is great. If you haven’t heard it, you’re not ready to set your weekend off. The video splices in historic footage–the kind that if you were alive for the actual event must bring nostalgia into the mix. If you saw it on tv when it happened you probably remember something of what you were doing at the time. You do see the Berlin Wall come down which is interesting because they filmed the video at Nalepa Studios Berlin, the site of the old broadcasting house of the former East Germany.
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