Bocce “Summer”

Sarah Shotwell and David Provenzano of Fialta team up with Saves the Day touring guitarist, Chris Keene to form Bocce. The trio will release their debut full-length later this year. Until then, the latest single from the album is “Summer.” Opening with phaser-drenched guitar arpeggios, Shotwell’s tender vocals lilt over the top. A tom-heavy drum line gives the track an epic pathos which Shotwell describes as “being transported down a long hallway to a more innocent time.” She continues “I was nineteen. I had an unrelenting urge to experiment with dangerous, grownup things, like love. With it, I also found confusion, guilt, and shame. But time offers a new perspective. Those painful years have since become some of my sweetest memories of growing up and the people who helped me do it.”

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