D.Veloped is always sending me hot mash-ups that go past the standard “this acapella over this instrumental.” His latest track is “Bring Em Home”. The track is mostly based around Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros‘ “Home” instrumental with T.I.‘s “Bring Em Out” acapella. Additionally there are clips from Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and others. Check it out.
MP3: D.Veloped “Bring Em Home (Edward Sharpe // T.I.)”
WOW I loved this mashup after listening to three seconds of it!!!!!! sweeeeeeet, thank you so much!!
LOVE IT!!!! I can’t stop jammin’ to it!
This mashup is shit, lets jam as much crap into ableton as we can and puke it all over the web
say what…this is too sick!!! the whistling part is just amp-ed up to an extreme and just stays with you…oh and our blessed friend T.I. old jam makes a star appearance
shocking mash up! WTF leave classics alone!
It’s not shit, it’s simply beyond your comprehension, ass.
way to ruin edward sharpe for me forever.
do not want
Sounds like it was taken straight from Girl Talks album!
wow this is good
terrible and disgusting AT ITS BEST…….>>>>worst mashup i ever heard -truth-
Not trying to hate, this would work well in a set and is very clever and crafty but to top the hypem without coming up with an original chords baffles me and forces me to lose confidence in the blogosphere haha
@joel. I mean the second most loved track is that jackson pit track. im pretty sure xaphoon jones didnt produce that…