Nice Purse: Black Medal
Minneapolis-based singer/songwriter France Camp started Nice Purse with his childhood friend Indian Davis. Their debut album, Black Medal mixes a childlike insouciance with indie pop sensibility.
It’s hard to listen to Nice Purse and not smile. Black Medal’s opening song and first single “Heart Medley” begins with the line “if my heart was a movie/you should return it/cause you don’t watch it anymore”. This type of cutesy metaphor is the kind of lyrical content that Nice Purse delivers almost every song. But unlike some bands who’s lyrics and music do not quite fit (I’m looking at you Los Campesinos!), Nice Purse’s music is just as playful as their lyrics.
The band’s sound is like listening to unbridled joy. Their energy reminds me of Tilly and the Wall especially because the backbone of most songs are acoustic guitars. Also, every lyric seems sung by a chorus of wobbly-voiced teenagers which adds to the Tilly-flavor.
Overall, Black Medal‘s energy and pop sensibility make it a great listen. Some of the songs could use some polishing but nothing majorly wrong here. I can see Nice Purse growing into blogosphere darlings.
Rating: 7.8/10
MP3: Nurse Purse “Heart Medley”
Buy: iTunes