Real Estate “Behind That Locked Door (George Harrison Cover)”

There probably isn’t a better band in the world to cover this somber George Harrison classic. Real Estate, over the course of three albums, have developed a much-beloved brand of mellow melancholy and are skilled enough on guitar to handle such a song. Like Harrison’s original, their music creeps up on you, and ‒ when it hits you at the moment ‒ can be oddly transcendent. It’s hard to quibble with this cover. Lyrically and compositionally, it could very well pass as a Real Estate song, and the arrangement is nearly identical to Harrison’s. The main difference lies in the vocals, with Harrison’s feeling like more of a plea compared to Martin Courtney’s sense of detachment. Both approaches work, though I’m partial to Harrison’s more emotive vocal performance. Overall this is a pleasant, if a bit routine, cover that further testifies to smoothness of Real Estate’s classic sound.

by Mark S.

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