Upstate NY rockers My Plastic Sun have teeth in addition to a silver tongue. Best known for their romantic ballad “Couldn’t Love You More,” which was flouted by USA Today in addition to being 2014’s most played track on SiriusXM’s channel the Coffee House (31) one would naturally expect this three piece to imitate past successes. But that’s what makes the totally independent My Plastic Sun so exciting on their most recent release All of This EP.
Rather than sit on their laurels and exploit the current popularity of soft toned singer/songwriter vainglory My Plastic Sun kick up the BPM’s, crank up the guitars and attack their audience in glorious anticipation of “A love that can kill me now.”
With the proper balance of synth and sonic miasma My Plastic Sun shows an evolution of genre on “All of This”‘ which stands in glaring contradiction to both their own history and the path most rock groups take when attempting to secure an audience. Fortune favors the bold, and while there may not be justice in this world, it’s still comforting to see some groups still have the balls to go their own way.