If we’re to believe the spoken lyrics on the self-deprecating track “Extended Dance Mix” on their latest release, EP2, Fujiya & Miyagi’s popularity has declined since 2006. This may be hyperbole, however, as within the same song, the group analogizes the last ten years of their career as, “Just pumping electric current through the leg of a dead frog.” One listen to EP2 and anyone with ears will understand (at least regarding the dead frog sentiment) that the trio from Brighton, England is being overly dramatic. EP2 finds Fujiya & Miyagi borrowing from early indie influencers from both the US and the UK in order to give their latest four-song offering a more well-rounded feel during a quick, albeit sweat-inducing, cardio workout that comes in at just shy of twenty minutes in length.
“Outstripping (The Speed of Light)” opens things with a quick, live drum beat, ominous synths, and a crying lead guitar part, as the song’s simple chorus of, “The speed of light,” is creepily repeated just above a whisper. “R.S.I.” borrows a Talking Heads-like guitar sound, which works extremely well and is the strongest of the collection. “Swoon” begins with a synth and drum combination immediately reminiscent of Joy Division/New Order’s excellent “Ceremony” before shifting into a slippery, electric dance party.
The aforementioned “Extended Dance Mix” wraps up this brief sampling of where F&M find themselves a decade and a half-plus into their career. As the title suggests, “Electronic Dance Mix” self-referentially pokes fun at the group’s own output, at one point even going so far to joke that their sound is, “Too electronic to be rock, and too rock to be electronic.” If you’ve found yourself out of the loop regarding Fujiya & Miyagi’s work over the last five years, EP2 is a fun reintroduction to the band.
Rating: 7.5/10