Grit is essential and a part of the foundation of a true artist. For musicians, watching how pain transform into acceptance become fundamental values within the writing process. Therefore, the honesty is always translated as inspiring to all listener. Detroit native, Kid Swoop does this exactly. He doesn’t hold back his vulnerability as he tells us about his life in his new album Little Man, Running Wild. Hearing the struggle, the heart ache, and the good transcend through the speakers and capture a moment of rawness. Even the title itself implies the conflict that Swoop has gone through. However, he uses these characteristics as a positive reinforcement and shows the heart of a hard-working hip-hop artist that is here to tell his truth. I got to ask him a few questions about his artistry and got insight into his creative process. Check what he said:
How long have you been doing this project and what motivated you to start it?
Honestly, once my debut album 4SoLong was complete and released, I began the writing and recording process of Little Man, Running Wild. By the time 2018 ended, the new album was ready in the vault just being finalized far as mixing and mastering. What motivated me to start it was the anticipation and engagement I was receiving from my fans. How many lives I was changing day to day through the message I was interpreting. #SwoopNation is what ultimately motivated me and me knowing the ultimate goal I have set forth.
Your new album, Little Man, Running Wild, is a versatile and provocative. How long have you been putting this together?
Since August of 2018 I’ve been putting it together, but the writing and recording process of it all really didn’t take that much time due to my work ethic. I was in the studio everyday dropping track after track using the 2Pac studio mentality, “tomorrow isn’t promised; therefore, I must continue to drop and the mixing process can wait.”
Do you produce the music yourself or do you have a team?
I do not produce the music myself; I have a team of producers who either work collaboratively or individually based upon my request of sound I’m feeling for. I do pitch in far as executively producing, giving my input on sounds and instruments.
I saw that you featured artists like Mitch Shaffer and Castro, how did y’all decide to work together?
Mitch Shaffer is my guy! Always have been since the day we met in college. He’s one of my producers, in which he produced the track “East Long Lake,” that he’s featured on. Furthermore, Mitch hit me up and told me that he tried out rapping on a track, but he was scared to send it to me because he thought it was corny and horrible. I eventually got him to send it over and once I took a listen, I went bananas! Instantly informed him that “East Long Lake” was being placed on my album and the rest is history. On the other hand, track number eight “Gotta Problem” featuring Castro came about easy that’s big bro. I sent the beat over to him and said, “Bro lace that track with some of those Stro fumes,” and that’s exactly what he made happen with ease.
Is there a specific message that you’re sending with your lyrics or are you just telling people story?
My message(s) are stories, life stories which are about me personally, my family, my friends, my neighbors, communities, or generally the world. Every single song I have released involves some sort of replay value due to the value of wisdom and free game my lyrics hold. The special thing about me as an artist is that I can get the crowd involved in bouncing and dancing while still thinking. Every lyric from KiD Swoop that comes through your speakers means something just sit, take notes and listen with an open visual mind and you’ll see the canvas I’m painting.
Your lyrics are very raw and to the point. How do you begin writing your content or message?
Thank you, I begin my writing process by being open minded to life and music. What’s something the people need to hear, but in a way where it’ll stick and be relevant from a record stand point. Honestly, I write any and everywhere at any given time no matter what activities I’m taking part in at the time. In the end, I just want to be as vulnerable as possible through my lyrics to my fans to where they look at me as family and not just an artist. I want that connection; I will get that connection and that connection is going to allow me to stand strong among the big league.
In the song, “Too Much Goin On,” I sense a sensitive side that feels very personal, where does that lyrics stem from?
“Too Much Goin On” is definitely a personal track that stems from the anger and frustration I have built up deep within against family and others who have wronged me. Many of the lyrics briefly explain conversations I have amongst my father, for example, “Made it this far with no kids I’m beating my pops,” that’s something he always congratulates me on and motivates me to keep pushing with me not having that burden. Another example is, “Had a gun with no safety it was a revolver he put it straight to my head, thank God for my mother for jumping that fence I swear to God I would be dead,” that line is completely true. It’s a blessing to still be here breathing due to my mom saving my life. I recommend all the viewers and everyone else to check that song out because that’s part of my truth and legacy, “Too Much Goin On” stems from the upbringing of a young mogul named KiD Swoop.
The Album artwork is amazing. Can you tell me about this picture? Where and when was it taken? Why this picture?
Definitely appreciate it. That’s one of my favorite pictures of myself as a kid. I had to be 3 or 4 years old in that picture and my parents were married at that time living in Sterling Heights, MI. I was getting bathed and this photo was taken. I chose this picture for my album cover because I was in a headspace where I felt as if my people thought I was different and no longer the same person due to life changes that were needed due to new experiences. The title Little Man, Running Wild came with a sense of symbolism of me as a kid on the cover because when I was young, I never wanted to be dried off with a towel after a bath, so I would run around the house naked while my mom or dad chased me.