Rock is an ever transforming genre, and as of late, has been winding down in a very beat way. Capturing the tired atmosphere with their sort of indie meets reverb-laden post-punk, is the New York band, Izzy True. Their latest release Nope, for better or worse, captures the changing landscape of the rock world fairly well.
Nope is a Twilight Zone episode –and I mean that in the worst way. The first seven tracks blended together so much, with such similar key and tempo, that I had lost all conception of how far into the album I actually was. Time was endless and I was stuck in purgatory.
Without a doubt, the musicians are talented. There’s something there. The vocalist has a soulful enough voice and by no means is the album trash, but it leaves too much to be desired. The songs feel uninspired, laden with the more popular than ever reverb. Alarmingly, I had to turn my sub off just to work pass the hefty bass lines and cut through to some of the nicer parts of the album. The low, droney, burned out vibes just don’t mix well for Izzy True. Overall, it’s sad –wasted potential.
But if Nope has any redeeming features, it lies within the merit of style itself. Izzy True can set the mood incredibly well. Often times those droney lines comes across as a nice swaying, they can somber up your heart and leave you melancholic. Again, the vocalist has a lovely voice that captures emotion extremely well. I have to admit, the vocalist saves the day. Simply put, it’s convincing and meaningful.
If one track could win this jaded review over, it was “New Age.” Considerably slower and a nice shakeup, Izzy True slows things down, and brings in that same bass line, but with a touch of crisp guitar work a la Mr. Demarco. Something just clicks. Maybe a little less reverb, just the right atmosphere, a track that emphasizes all of the band’s strengths.
Nope is complicated. Simply put, by no means is it unique or groundbreaking. If you’re not careful, all the tracks will blend together and you’ll lose track of what you’re listening to. The melodies seem wasted and leave you wanting something more. But Izzy True isn’t “bad.” The band has potential. By all means the musicians are pretty good and the vocalist slays. For those who are into the reverb and want more burned-out indie tracks, Nope will likely be a warm welcome. On the other hand, if you crave a little more, then feel free to tread carefully.
Rating: 6.0/10