San Fran family band Scissors for Lefty will be hitting the decade mark soon marred by nearly seven years of silence. Despite this, and in the face of a year’s delay on their most recent endeavor, Bangs & Lashes doesn’t lose an ounce of momentum for fans of 2007’s Underhanded Romance.
While the titular lead in “Bangs & Lashes” may be ready set for radio play a deeper inspection of the album as a whole reveals a stunning array of influences and output. At first listen one is inclined to write off Scissors for Lefty as just another key oriented dance band. It can seem the album is trying too hard to stretch itself into too many directions. However, even on entries approaching a saccharine level of pop goo there’s a reason to actually listen in addition to shaking your ass. The first real standout is the bilingual “Not for Keeps.” Follow singer Bryan Garza’s dark narrative chasing a girl that can’t be caught. Lines like, “I woke up in an empty pool, Las Cruces Supermotel” between falsetto cooing and the late twenties flotsam of cheap tequila induced fevers and you’ll discover the song is much more complex than one would expect.
Relying on 80’s nostalgia to separate yourself from the glut of the indie pack is pretty standard these days but Scissors for Lefty cuts a bit deeper. As opposed to imitation you hear influence on Bangs & Lashes. Throaty lyrical delivery a la golden era David Bowie on “Werewolf,” and clever synth key and drum work that could have been borrowed straight from The Cure on “Long Distance Love” trade off set listing with more forward pop fare.
By playing with both genre and format Scissors for Lefty created a fun, diverse universe in which to hide the late-twenties desperation of Bangs & Lashes lyrical content. It’s the perfect summer release for the depths of Autumn. Fear not ye, all the dancing will keep you warm through those chilly nights.
Rating: 7.0/10