+/- {Plus/Minus} “Calling Off The Rescue”

New York’s +/- {Plus/Minus} is preparing to release their new LP, Further Afield on May 31st. The third single from the album is “Calling Off The Rescue.” The song is, according to the band’s Patrick Ramos, about “Neglect. It’s about trying to save something that seems like a lost cause. I had been thinking about the Malaysian Airlines flight that vanished and other search and rescue operations and the horrifying idea of still being lost when a search is called off. It terrified and fascinated me. I liked the metaphor of it to describe the state of a neglected relationship.”

Despite those serious sentiments, the song is fairly upbeat featuring jaunty drums and jangle pop guitars. It is reminiscent of bands like The Stills or The Smiths.

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